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Merchant Navy Club

Nautical Institute – India SW Branch


The Nautical Institute is the international representative body for maritime professionals

The Nautical Institute is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) with consultative status at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Our aim is to represent seafarers’ and practical maritime professionals’ views at the highest level.

As a representative body, the Institute fulfils its role in many different ways. Membership by proven qualifications and experience helps to set standards. The technical committees ensure that professional opinion and advice is fed back to the industry’s decision making bodies.

Publications written by practitioners for practitioners provide the best operational guidance available and the branches encourage professional development in local areas.

Aims and Objectives

The institute aims to provide the strongest possible professional focus, dedicated to improving standards of those involved in control of seagoing craft, while maintaining the Institute as an international centre of nautical excellence.

  • To represent the professional views of its members to and within the international, national and local bodies considering the safety and efficiency of shipping operations.
  • To promote and co-ordinate in the public interest the development of nautical studies in all its branches by:
    • Encouraging and promoting a high standard of qualification, competence and knowledge among those in control of seagoing craft including non-displacement craft.
    • Facilitating the exchange and publication of information and ideas on nautical science, encourage research and publish its results.
    • Establishing and maintaining appropriate educational and professional standards of membership.
    • Co-operating with Government Departments and other bodies concerned with statutory and other qualifications, and with universities and other educational institutes and authorities in the furtherance of education and training in nautical science and practice.
    • Encouraging the formation of Branches and professional groups in different areas worldwide.


The principal aim of the Branches is to promote the activities and increase the membership of The Nautical Institute in their area.

The Branches are vibrant, pro-active organisations of current professionals, and provide:

  • A local professional focus
  • Communication and fellowship with other nautical professionals (networking)
  • Solving professional problems through seminars and workshops
  • A programme of technical and social meetings
  • Local and, in some cases, national representation on regulatory bodies or user groups
  • Assistance with updating and professional development
  • Involvement with projects locally and internationally
  • Development of management and organisational skills

Nautical Institute Branches are grouped into world zones.


The Nautical Institute India – South West Branch (Kochi) inauguration took place on 26th September  2015 and the local branch is functioning from the Merchant Navy Club